Gemstone Engagement Rings

Gemstone Engagement Rings

The Diamond Engagement Ring has always been the ‘go-to’ for those proposing Marriage to their partners. It is unmistakably an engagement ring and the diamond has always been considered the ultimate symbol of love forever.Not to be overlooked though are gemstone engagement rings or precious stone Engagement ring. It has been a popular choice for many especially for those in search of something that little bit different to the norm. Many choose a stone based on that they just like the colour of, but some may choose a gem stone of their birthstone for example.

Choices of Gemstone

The there a many different choices of gemstone to choose from and the whole spectrum of colour can be represented. There are several things to consider when choosing a stone such as hardness and durability and stone shape. Another consideration should be price. Gemstones vary greatly in price.

Gemstone Tip

One piece of advice we would like to give our clients is that if you are choosing a Gemstone for an Engagement Ring that will be worn every day for years to come you should consider the hardness of the stone.

The Mohs scale is a scale of hardness of the Gem and Diamond at the top is the hardest. The scale goes like this

10 – Diamond

9 – Sapphire and Ruby

8 – Topaz

7 – Emerald and Tourmaline

6 – Peridot and Tanzanite

5 – Turquoise and Opal.

We wouldn’t recommend going below 5 on the Mohs scale unless you plan on taking especially good care of your ring and only wearing occasionally.

Gemstone Price / Affordability

For the most part Gemstone rings are less expensive than colourless, eye clean diamond engagement rings. That is not to say that some gems do not exceed the price of a diamond. Gemstones such as Jadeite and Red Beryl and Black Opal command prices far exceeding white diamonds due to their rarity.

Depending on the gemstone you choose – Sapphire and Ruby being an excellent choice (due to hardness) the price should be substantially less than that of a diamond.

Often ladies wishing for a larger size ring will go with a Gemstone as it allows for a larger stone for their budget.

What Gemstone Engagement Ring Should I Choose?

Sapphire Engagement ring

 Sapphire Engagement ring

Next to Diamond, Sapphire is easily the most popular choice for Engagement Ring Gemstones. It is a beautiful stone and Sapphire comes in a range of all the colours of the rainbow. Blue is by far the most popular colour choice of Sapphire and the colour ranges from dark navy blue to light cornflour blue. The most expensive colour of Blue Sapphire is Royal Blue Sapphire. Apart from its beauty Sapphire is a very hard stone and should last the test of time.

Ruby Engagement Ring

Ruby Engagement Ring

Rubies come in a variety of shades of red. It’s deep rich enchanting colour hints of far away places and enchants the wearer and admirer. It is a beautiful choice for coloured stone ring and complements white diamonds and metals alike. The contrast is just stunning and every Lady should own at least one Ruby.

Emerald Engagement Ring

Emerald Engagement Ring

Like a Ruby, the Emerald really accentuates its beauty when showcased amongst diamonds and the contrasts can be quite spectacular. Emerald may present a lot of character as often times the beautiful natural features of the stone can differentiate it from another Emerald. Specks of varying colour throughout the stone can give the Emerald an ‘Earthy Feel’ and it comes in may differing shades of Green.

Aquamarine Engagement ring

Aquamarine Engagement ring

The Aquamarine is another very popular gemstone and it is considerably less expensive than the three rings mentioned above. The Aquamarine also come in a rich variety of colours ranging from a deep greenish colour to a cornflour blue tone. For people who love the colour blue there is a shade for everyone.

Bespoke Gemstone Engagement Rings Dublin

At Loyes Diamonds we have clients coming from all corners of the country. These Clients have over 300 rings to choose from and can come in and view several different shapes and sizes of Gemstone.

We also offer a full bespoke diamond ring service from design to final fitting.

Having your dream bespoke Gemstone engagement ring – more information just click this link here – Custom made engagement rings.

Contact Loyes Diamonds Today

You don’t have to design your engagement ring yourself. At Loyes Diamonds we have over 300 beautiful Engagement Rings for you to choose from and can make most rings to suit any budget.