Best Place To Buy An Engagement Ring In Dublin Ireland

Best Place To Buy An Engagement Ring In Dublin Ireland

It is important to do your homework before you start on your quest to find the perfect engagement ring. The Best Place To Buy will become more apparent.

The best place to buy an engagement ring in Dublin may not be just a case of searching Google and seeing the top results.

Just because a Jeweller is top of a search does not have anything to do with the quality of the jewellery that they sell. Jewellers focus on Jewellery and pay people to get them to the top of Google Rankings.

As such it is difficult to sort out the best place to buy an engagement ring in Dublin, Ireland.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you along the way. They will help you spot the difference between rings and guide you on what to look out for.

Engagement Ring

Diamond Education

Educate yourself on the 4C’s of a diamond.

The Diamond Certification is something else you should familiarize yourself with. Such certs as GIA, IGI and HRD

Diamond Carat

This is the weight of a diamond and each carat is divided further into 100 points. For example, a half-carat diamond is .50ct or 50 points.

Diamond Clarity

This is the level of clearness in a diamond and the absence of Blemishes or Inclusions in a diamond. With a little research, you may be surprised to see how little the difference may be between the different grades. Many of the grades are not noticeable to the naked eye.

Diamond Colour

Diamond Colour Starts at ‘D’ for the whitest (most colourless) diamond to Z for the least white. Fancy Colours are different to diamond colours.

Diamond Cut

This is certainly the most important aspect of a diamond. This is the main factor that determines how much a diamond sparkles.

Word of mouth

Ask friends where they bought their engagement rings.

Inquire if they have had any problems with the rings since the purchase.

Also, enquire have they received any after-service. Valuations and Cleaning / Check-ups on stones’ secureness after years of wearing etc.

Ask random people by way of compliments. “You’re Engagement Ring is so beautiful, do you mind if I ask you where you bought it”

Well Respected Jeweller

People often refer to how long has the Jeweller been in business. This can also work against you though. Some of the older established jewellers may have older styles in stock. They have not kept up with the times. The cut of their stones may be older styles of cut. Also, certification on the stones may be from years ago. The industry is always changing. Be wary of stock that is old as it maybe just didn’t sell for a good reason.

Award-Winning Jewellers

Beware of Jewelers showcasing awards given by wedding magazines and platforms etc. Having dealt with multitudes of these bridal magazines and wedding promoters over the years we have learned they are a scam. They have a vested interest in getting Jewellers to advertise on their platforms and offer prizes for their most loyal contributors. They are completely unregulated and far from a judge of the quality or respectability of the Jeweller. And yet many jewellers in Dublin claim to be award-winning. Utilising sharp practice to attempt to manipulate the consumer.

If the reward was coming from a body representative of the jewellery industry itself and judged by its peers it would be a step in the right direction.

Assortment of Styles of Engagement Rings

Let’s face it. The world is made up of a wide variety of people. These people have a wide variety of tastes. In saying that there are designs that are ‘classic designs’ that everybody loves.

Designs such as the classic solitaire. A timeless expression of beauty and simplicity.

But it’s not just about the number of rings a Jeweller has. It’s more about the quality of their rings. Don’t confuse things. Keep it simple.

The quality of the rings is in two regards. Regarding the design aspect i.e Is the ring beautiful? There is no point in looking at 300 rings when only 20 of them are appealing and the rest are ugly.

The quality of the ring regarding manufacturing. Is the ring made with the best materials available? Have the best techniques been used? Is it well made

Engagement Rings Dublin

Prices Of Engagement Rings

One of the key points when buying a diamond ring is the price. Shoppers must be very aware though. Just because two rings have the same cert grades they may be very different prices. This is often confusing for shoppers. Two diamonds for example with GIA diamond certificates may be graded by two different GIA laboratories. One might be a little looser than the other.

As a consequence when it comes to wholesale prices of these commodities they may be priced individually according to their merits. It is unwise to chase a cert rather than the ascetic beauty of the stone. Although the certificate may give quality assurance it is ultimately the beauty in the eye of the beholder that should win out.

Grafton Street

Insurance Valuations

At Loyes Diamonds we give valuations from an independent valuer.

Having an independent valuation given with your purchase is important for two reasons.

  1. It will assure you that you paid the correct price. Most shoppers are not jewellery experts and do not know the prices of an engagement ring it is a one-off purchase.
  2. Insurance companies require a valuation when insuring a piece. This must be updated every two years on your insurance policy.


Buy Irish, it’s your local economy.

It’s a matter of conscious behaviour where possible. The people in the jeweller industry have been operating for thousands of years across the globe. We advise where possible to buy Irish. Although diamond and gold mining is not an Irish industry there are countless people whose livelihoods depend on the services and products we provide. Ireland has designers, wholesalers, mould makers, casters, metal smiths, Setters, Polishers, retailers and many other people who rely on your custom. Not to mention other subsidiary businesses such as website developers, SEO professionals, advertisers, Estate agents etc.

Your purchase trickles down through all of these industries. Let’s keep the money at home and support your local economy. The best place To buy an engagement is by keeping the purchase local.

Custom Made Engagement Rings

If you have been around and can’t seem to find what you are looking for. Or if you just have an idea of your dream engagement ring in your head. Your Jeweller should be able to accommodate you.

You should receive guidance on the –

Diamond shapes and specifications and what they mean.

Technical advice on what you are trying to achieve with your design idea. For example the different stone sizes in bands or their setting style.

Metal choices and pros and cons of each.

Weak points in your design or where it may be improved upon.

You should be offered to be part of the process. Receive a CAD drawing and an approximate time frame.

Return policy

It is wise to request from your Jeweller what their return policy is. Some jewellers offer a refund and some only offer a credit note. If you for whatever reason must return the ring it is best to know where you stand.

Start of a relationship

Not only is the purchase of an engagement the cementing of the relationship with your future partner. It is also the start of a relationship with your Jeweller. In the future, you will return for advice on wedding rings and perhaps eternity rings. There will also be maintenance visits to check stones and also to have pieces polished and perhaps plated or dipped. It is important to have someone you trust and have faith in to guide you correctly over the years. Many Jewellers have generational clients while some are building on it for the future.

Contact Loyes Diamonds

Make an appointment to come in and discuss with us the ring of your dreams and we will make it a reality.

Phone/text/WhatsApp – 087 9700295