Birthstone For October Is Opal

Birthstone For October Is Opal

Happy birthday all you October-born folks. The birthstone For October Is Opal

October’s child is born for woe,
And life’s vicissitudes must know,
But lay an Opal on her breast,
And hope will lull those woes to rest.

The name Opal comes from the Greek word Opallos which means to change colour.

Opals have a huge range in colour from milky white to black with flashes of yellow, orange green or red throughout. Most Opals though are white with flecks of colour throughout. Opal is most commonly found in America, Mexico and Australia.

Australia mines 95% of the world’s gemstone-quality Opals used for jewellery and it is the national Gem of Australia.

Opals have been used for everything from helping in childbirth to enforcing strength when going into battle. Another quality or powers Opal is said to possess is the promotion of love and romance and to grant of personal wishes and happiness.

Opal Rings At Loyes Diamonds

At Loyes Diamond we are often asked to create jewellery from Opal. Most commonly being rings and most common of these are oval-shaped rings. Due to the huge variance of colour, we usually advise people to view many colours of Opal online and see which colour they prefer. Options usually run from red and orange colour to green and blue. There is an opal for every taste.

Opal gemstones look fabulous when adorned in a halo of sparkling diamonds. Diamonds complement the Opal as they work harmoniously in halo diamond engagement rings. At Loyes Diamonds we can insert an oval into almost all of our antique halo engagement ring settings.

One particular trait that must be mentioned when talking about Opal is that it is a softer stone. Although it is suitable for jewellery it does require the wearer to exercise some care when wearing. On the scale of hardness called the Mohs scale which runs from 1-10, with 10 being diamond, the Opal rates at approximately 5 to 6.

Thanks for reading Birthstone For October Is Opal.

Contact Loyes Diamonds Engagement Rings.

If you are considering one of our Engagement Rings, we would love to hear from you.

Not only do we have many styles to choose from, but we also can help you design a ring from ideas or pictures that you bring to us.

We use our metals in the casting process and are confident that it is the highest quality you will find available in Ireland today. All of our stones whether they be diamonds or another Gem are hand chosen. We use the best quality available and examine each stone individually.

We are confident that you will be blown away with the resulting Engagement ring.

Make an appointment to come in and discuss with us the ring of your dreams and we will make it a reality.